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An EU H2020 project

June 2016 - May 2019


News & Events

17 Dec

FLOWERED Mission in Tanzania and Kenya, December 2016

From 7th to 17th December 2016, UNISS-NRD team visited Tanzania and Kenya to initiate a series of activities such as: field data collection, capacity building for local partners, testing the questionnaire on cropping and livestock systems and widening contacts with government and other players in the field of Fluoride water contamination in the two countries. The mission was carried out in the context of the Work Package n°2 (WP2): "Developing mitigation options for fluoride contamination in agriculture and livestock systems", concerning in particular Task 2.1: "Data collection on cropping, livestock and soil systems".NM-AIST organized a meeting with the local contacts points for the survey submission (Dr. Mashamba Philipe, Dr. Liliane Pasape, Theresia Kimario). OIKOS EA set up a meeting with the Ward Executive Officer of the key study area of Ngare Nanyuki, organized logistic and transports for the field visits and provided soil data of the key study area. The team was composed of UNISS team (Giovanna Seddaiu, Pier Paolo Roggero, Moses Hillary Akuno, PhD student and Margherita Rizzu, PhD student), Nelson Mandela University and Oikos East Africa.(Photo: Field Obervation on Effects on Fluoride in one farm at Ngare Nanyuki)

Category: Field Activity


This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N°690378